Brandt Stare, Class of 2019
Neuqua Valley WR
Tell us about your off-season?
During the offseason BOOM helped me progress a lot as a player and it provided me with an opportunity to play against and with some of the best players in the country. I also have been training at Acceleration to gain speed as well as quickness, higher vertical, etc...
What college camps did you attend this summer?
I only attended the NIU camp
What colleges have shown interest in you?
I am just now starting my recruiting process.
What colleges are you interested in?
Really just any college that would give me a chance and would be a good fit for me in their football program as well as a good fit academically.
What are your goals going into the season? My goals are to have a big impact on the success of my team, become a leader, do all the little things, and make big plays when the ball comes my way.
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